3.5 Job seeking

How to find a job in Finland:

There are different ways to find a job.

Nowadays it is important to have contacts and social network as well as your own activity.

In addition to social networks, there are advertisements in newspapers.

It is possible to ask the job directly from local employees.

You need computer skills when looking for a job. Many employees announce open vacancies by using internet. There are several e-services to use. Here are some of them:

  • Työ- ja elinkeinopalvelut

  • Te-service web pages.  You need to know some Finnish to find open vacancies from electrical search at TE service web pages.    Find out what is the professional field called in Finnish what you are interested in. What is the exact name of the profession. Try if you could find a vacancy at that profession.

  • CV-net at TE-service web page. You can submit your own CV to CV-net . However, you need to study at Section 4 how to make a proper cv in Finnish.

(Source: Public employment and business services. TE-services web page. Ministry of Employment and the Economy.)


There are other net pages too, where you can find a job, for example:

Assignment 1:

  • ABC- Work life guide:  Familiarize yourself with ABC-Work life guide. (Source: The Multicultural Association of Satakunta.  Työelämän ABC maahanmuuttajille – selkokielinen opas työllistymiseen Porin seudulla. Verkkosivut)
  • Infopankki:  Familiarize yourself with the material about work life in Infopankki. (Source: www.infopankki.fi)
  • Explain, what kind of matters you could add to job application.


Assignment 2: Find at least one job advertisement from the internet. Explain:

  • What is the professional field where the worker, according to the advertisement, is looked for?
  • What kind of experience and education is required from the person to become elected to the position?
  • What kind of person is called for in this advertisement (Personality, type of working etc.)


Duunitori. Työnhakukone. Verkkosivut: https://duunitori.fi/.
Infopankki.fi  (CC BY 4.0.). Verkkosivut: http://www.infopankki.fi.
Monster työnhakupalvelut. Verkkosivut. https://www.monster.fi/?WT.mc_n=olm_sk_srch_ggl_876_fi&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjdLOBRCkARIsAFj5-GCo2jgs8hLFqLfJXwmv-TY-nRv0wzdLvlpK12j6uPnS5KgTQWI_Rs4aAnd6EALw_wcB
Te-palvelut. Te-palvelujen verkkosivut. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö 2013. Viitattu 5.6. 2018.  http://www.te-palvelut.fi/te/fi/index.html.
Työelämän ABC maahanmuuttajille – selkokielinen opas työllistymiseen Porin seudulla. Satakunnan monikulttuurisuusyhdistys r.y. Verkkosivut: https://monikulttuuriyhdistys.fi/fi/materiaalit/tyoelaman-abc/
Tietoa Suomesta monella eri kielellä. Aineiston ylläpitäjä on Helsingin kaupunginkanslia, tietotekniikka- ja viestintäosasto alkuperäinen tekijä Helsingin kaupunginkanslia. Aineisto on ladattu Helsinki Region Infoshare -palvelusta 19.06.2018 lisenssillä Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.


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