2.3 Nature as a support of wellbeing

What does nature mean to me?

  • In different cultures, nature means different things

  • Nature and a forest can be a safe and nice place

  • For someone it can mean scary and unsafe place. How is it for you

  • Life experiences affect how experiencing the nature

  • In Finland people usually experience nature as a relaxing places which affect wellbeing

Practice 1:

  • Explain what does nature and walking in a nature mean to you personally? Do you feel good and relaxed there? Would you like to walk there by yourself, or would you prefer company?


Walking at nature

  • There are many different studies about the connection between nature and wellbeing and health.

  • According to these studies our physical and mental wellbeing increases in nature environment.

  • Regular walking in a nature relaxes ourselves, relives anxiety and stress, decreases the blood pressure and heart beating.

  • Sometimes looking at he pictures about the beautiful nature can cause these same effects.

  • Nature means different things to different people. It can be forest, meadow, mountain, river see or lake.

  • It can be a park in a city too.


Practice 2: Think a moment about walking in a nature. Have you been in a forest? What kind of feelings forest awakes in you? What else can you do in a nature than walk around?

  • Exercising in a nature is an easy way to support your wellbeing and management of everyday life.

  • Exercising in a nature is varies because you can choose different environments: in a forest, at lake, in a park.

  • Different seasons bring variety and nature has different modes depending on the season,

  • At first exercising in nature can feel odd. You may think what kind of animals there exist and is it safe to walk in a forest.

  • You may ask someone to walk with you.


Practice 3: Watch the video: A moment in a nature

  • What did you see in a video

  • What kind of voices did you hear

  • What kind of feelings and thoughts you had when watching the video


Practice 4: Start to look around your own environment:

  • What kind of nature surroundings you can see

  • Is it possible to walk to the forest

  • Are you ready to have a small trip to the forest? Make a plan when to go there.


Our rights in a nature?

  • Exercising in a nature is easy in Finland.

  • You have a right to trip and walk in a nature without asking a permission from anyone.

  • You don´t have to pay anything to anyone to walk in a nature.

  • You can pick up berries and mushrooms if you want to.

  • Everyone has, however, to remember that you have to keep up sustainable principles.

  • You can´t harm the nature (plants, animals,) or the other people.

  • You can´t thrash in a forest or in other natural targets.

  • You can´t travel to other person´s courtyard without permission


                       You are able to:


  • exercise in a nature by walking, running, skiing or biking in other places than anyone´s courtyard or farmland or fields with plants.

  • dwell temporary in areas where exercising is allowed (camping far enough from nearest buildings)

  • pick up berries, mushrooms and flowers growing wild in a nature

  • fish with fishing pole and practice ice fishing.

  • walk and exercise in body in body of water.

You are not allowed to


  • cause harm to nature or the other people,

  • disturb birds nesting or disturb other animals,

  •  log or harm the trees,

  •  pick up moss, lichen or soil,

  •  go to the other person´s courtyard, buildings or  fields,

  • trash,

  • travel with motor vehicle in nature terrain without permission of the owner of land,

  • fish or hunt without local permissions.


When you want to camp or travel in a nature you are not familiar with, remember:

  • to take care that you don´t get lost

  • to make yourself familiar with the map. Learn how to use a map.

  • plan your trip with labelled path

  • take a good care that you have suitable clothes for the season and the nature

  • let your acquaintances and close people to know where you are heading

  • take with you enough water and food to manage

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