3.2 Education

Why the education is important?

The valuation of education:

  • The education is highly valuated in Finland.

  • There are limited number of jobs in labour market that don´t oblige education

  • To be able to find a job requires a proper education

  • In job interview the interviewer will ask what kind of education you have

Development of the competence

  • In many countries, the work and skills are learned by doing.

  • However, In Finland the conception is that in different professions in addition to the skills the theoretical knowledge is important too.

  • The theoretical knowledge will be acquired in education.

  • The students will acquire practical skills in work internships.

Earning a professional degree:

  • Through a proper education, you will earn a professional degree.

  • After getting a degree you can say that you have a profession.

  • Without at least an vocational education it is very difficult to find a job.

The steps of education

Preschool and elementary school

In Finland almost everyone (97%) has accomplished elementary and upper elementary school

Compulsory education:

  • Person’s liability to participate in compulsory education starts when the child turns seven years.

  • However, learning takes a place in preschool and at day care.

  • Preschool will start when the child turns six years. After preschool, the student will start the primary school.

  • Elementary school includes the primary school and upper comprehensive school.

  • Person’s liability to participate in compulsory education ends when the student turns 16 years.


The curriculum at compulsory education

  • All Finnish students have the same kind of curriculum at compulsory education ruled by the Finnish national agency for education.

  • In curriculum, the plan what every students need to learn is told.

  • The education at this level is so for similar to everyone

Education of the minor asylum seekers

  • The minor asylum seeker is legitimated to the compulsory lever education.

  • The child of the asylum seeker will start the school as soon as possible

  • At compulsory education the child will learn the basics of reading, writing, science, society, history, geographies ect.

The responsibilities and tasks of the parents:

The most important task of the parents is to support their child´s studies and attendance at school.

  • The parents are responsible for the child´s attendance at school.

  • If the child is sick or there is some other reason why the child can´t go to the school it is the parents` responsibility to inform the child´s teacher.

  • If there are many absences from the school, the teacher will contact the parents.

How can you support your child´s education?

  • Before the school day starts prepare a healthy breakfast.

  • Learning with a second language is energy taking. Your child needs a good breakfast, snacks and meals. It is difficult to concentrate if your child is hungry.

  • Every child will get a free meal at school, however she/he may be hungry after school so take care of the healthy meals after school day.

  • Take care that the child has a proper clothing. The weather in Finland can be sometimes very cold. Look that your child has warm clothing enough considering the temperature. (woolly hat, a pair of glove, a scarf, warm jacket).

  • Help your child to manage the homework.


Adult asylum seekers´ compulsory education

  • Not all asylum seekers have finished the studies compared with compulsory education in Finland in their own country.

  • In that case, the asylum seeker can apply to study for example to adult education centers or local community colleges.

  • They organize different trainings and courses, which the aim is to increase the language skills and studies based on Finnish curriculum at compulsory education.

  • Ask more information from your own reception centre.


The general and upper secondary education

Vocational education:

(Source: Opintopolku.fi and OPH and OKM)
  • After compulsory education, the student can apply to high school or vocational education

  • At vocational education the student gets a professional degree

  • After accomplishing the studies the student will get a certificate that he/she has accomplished the education and knows the basic information needed in a certain profession.

  • This certificate proves that you have transferable skills and readiness to work at the field and in the certain profession.


At vocational education, the student will study in addition to the theoretical subjects

  • communicational and interactional skills,

  • mathematical and natural science,

  • social science,

  • general skills needed in work.

  • After accomplishing the vocational education the student will go on to the work life or university of applied science.


Studying at vocational institutions during the asylum seeking process:

  • It is possible to study at vocational level if you have Finnish language skills enough.

  • It is very important to start Finnish courses at reception center as soon as possible.

Vocational institutes offer access courses. Those are called

  • VALMA-courses  : Preparatory education for upper secondary vocational education and training.

  • LUVA-courses: Preparatory education for general upper secondary education.  

  • At Valma education you will learn the basic knowledge and skills needed in vocational education.

  • You need to know some Finnish language in order to study at Valma courses.

High school (General upper secondary school)

  • Studying at high school gives ability to manage the higher education (universities of applied sciences and academic universities)

  • At high school the general subjects will be learned (Math, languages, math and other sciences etc.)

  • To accomplish general upper secondary school need a sufficient Finnish language skills.



After accomplishing the general upper secondary school or vocational education, the student is eligible to apply to university of applied sciences to earn a bachelor degree.

To get a degree takes about 3,5-4,5 years.

At the University of Applied Sciences, the studying includes

  • the basic courses

  • professional courses

  • internships at the work organizations

  • thesis

At the academic university it is possible to study

  • Bachelor degrees

  • Master´s degree

  • Postgraduate, licentiate and doctoral degree

Academic Universities

At the academic university you will study

  • basic, intermediate and advanced studies in major and minor subjects

  • language and communication studies

  • other studies

  • internship and

  • a final thesis (Master’s thesis).


  • The education is a way to get a good job

  • The Finnish language skill is needed in order to proceed to the educational institutions. Study and practice independently Finnish vocabulary. Try to remember at least three new words every day. Use the word you remember and the new ones every day

  • You can find more information with your own language from the (Infopankki.fi)

  • You can find more information about education from Jyväskylä area from the pages City of Jyväskylä.



  • Explain, what kind of studies did you have at your own country?

  • Do some research using the links and the materials above: Try to compare your previous studying with the Finnish education system. On which educational level, your previous studying position.


Jyväskylän kaupunki: Maahanmuuttajien sivut. Koulut ja oppilaitokset. Viitattu 19.6.2018.  http://www3.jkl.fi/maahanmuuttajat/koulut.php.
Jyväskylän Kristillinen opisto. Aikuisten perusopetus. Verkkosivut.  Viitattu 19.6.2018. https://www.jko.fi/koulutus/aikuistenperusopetus/.
Opintopolku. Opetushallituksen ylläpitämä portaali.  Opintopolku.fi  (OPH ja OKM:n ylläpitämät verkkosivut).
Tietoa Suomesta monella eri kielellä. Aineiston ylläpitäjä on Helsingin kaupunginkanslia, tietotekniikka- ja viestintäosasto alkuperäinen tekijä Helsingin kaupunginkanslia. Aineisto on ladattu Helsinki Region Infoshare -palvelusta 19.06.2018 lisenssillä Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
Infopankki.fi  (CC BY 4.0.). Verkkosivut: http://www.infopankki.fi.

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