How evaluate competence?

There are different ways to evaluate competences and this chapter contains five of the important methods in use:

  1. Monitoring of behavior
  2. Description of behavior
  3. Questionnaire
  4. Simulations
  5. Interviews

Monitoring of behavior

The monitoring of behavior will be conducted by self-assessment or by foreign observation. An example for self-assessment could be a so-called “diary method”. In this case data can be recovered by an autobiographical record.

An example for a foreign observation is the widely-used assessment center. In these arranged centers, the participants will be observed from different qualified persons under fixed criteria.

Description of behavior

With this method the behavior won´t be noticed in a special and arranged situation but in daily routine. Afterwards it will be described in summary. Also in this method it can be distinguished between self and foreign description.


With a questionnaire one obtains a self-evaluation and self-information from the participants. By using a questionnaire the competencies are measured by the use of certain indicators. These indicators must been selected very well and can varies between open, closed or rating-scaled indicators. With scale questions the participants often can estimate themselves from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”.


In simulations the participants get a problem situation, which they have to deal with. These simulations can be constructed in video sequences. The participants are given shown sequences of everyday situations and demand a concrete reaction from them. So it will be concluded on the behavior in the relative situation.


A personal talk is happening by using this method. It is used as a self-assessment of employees to evaluate more deeply different strengths and weaknesses. This method takes more time because the interview should not be done in a group but always as a single conversation.

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2. Learning organization
Why it important to create competence?How evaluate competence?