a. What is happening in business?

Management interview

Here’s a checklist that coach should run through before interview. ….

  • Before the interview
  • During the interview (Time, if it’s group: everyone’s ideas?)
  • After the interview (Write a memo and ask management their comments??)

History of their company

Firstly, we should achieve managers to start consciously think over the history of their company. Questions could be:

  • Please tell me the story of your company from the very beginning!
  • What kind of business environment was your company founded in?
  • Has anything changed since then?
  • Have you had hard times?
  • How could you overcome it?
  • What have you learned from it?
  • What were/are your weaknesses?
  • What were/are your strenghts?
  • What kind of threats are now/in the future in your business area?
  • What kind of opportunities are now/in the future in your business area?

Mission, aims, and strategy of the company

Secondly, start thinking on competences derived from mission, aims, and strategy of the company.

  • Questions could be:
  • What is the mission of your company?
  •  What are the aims of your company?
  • What is the link between the mission and aims?
  • Have you got strategy?
  • Is it derived from the mission and aims of your company?
  • Are above mentioned things harmonized at your company?
  • What are the strategical challenges of your company?
  • How have strategic challenges influence on your operations?
  • How do strategic challenges appear in your aims and everyday work?
  • I there anything you traditionally know and can do well in business?
  • What are your challenges lately?
  •  Can you manage these challenges?
  • What could you do better?

Questions to ask from directors and middle management about: strategy, customer

  • Where we’ve been successful?
  • What we traditionally know how well?
  • What are the organization’s strategic challenges?
  • How to strategic challenges affect our operations?
  • How to strategic challenges appear in the objectives and work?
  • What kind of knowledge-related factors include strategies?
  • What are the strategies of the organization represent a challenge in terms of skills needs by the year 2017?
  • What should people know really well?
  • Why it important for our business to create competence?

As a competency coach you lead group discussion and write a memo.

Points to tell about method before starting in this discussion (timetable, rules)

You are one of the member of a real group discussion.  Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.  Express your positive attitude towards providing the solution.

Material progressed

Material progressed

3. Process model for coaching
a. What is happening in business?b. Competence we needc. Commitment of personneld. Initial study of the competencee. Create a Skills Matrixf. How prioritizes the needs competence?