Links and further reading
International Jyväskylä – Info Center is a multilingual service point, where one can get guidance and counseling on topics related to everyday living in 16 different languages.
Welcome to Finland – an integration guide
Working in Finland – things to keep in mind when you come to work in Finland
Info Finland – topics related to many life areas
Tienoo – Videos and instructions about everyday life, society and rights in Finland.
FINLAND – CIVIC ORIENTATION TEXTBOOK ( A pdf textbook published by Finnish refugee aid. The course is aimed at those who have only moved to Finland. Information about living, living and working in Finland.
The Finnish labor market system
Here are materials related to the Finnish labor market system, telling how the tripartite system works, what is negotiated at different levels, and what is the role of individual employees and employers in the system. The presenter is Saku Laapio from TEK. The materials are available via Shibboleth HAKA Login if you have Jamk credentials.
- Finnish Labour Market System (video lecture 26 min)
- Finnish Labour Market System (presentation material)
Development of the Finnish labor market
Here you can learn how the Finnish job market has developed until now and what the megatrends affecting future development are. Have a look at a video lecture by Saku Laapio from TEK, a trade union for academic engineer students and graduates. The materials are available via Shibboleth HAKA Login if you have Jamk credentials.
- The Development of Finnish Labour Market (video lecture 30 min)
- The Development of Finnish Labour Market (presentation material)
Employee rights and responsibilities
Here are facts and practical information to be aware of when entering the Finnish working life.
- Rules of Working Life or Työelämän säännöt at
The Finnish working culture
Below are some readings and videos related to the Finnish working culture and the expectations employers have for new employees. Read the materials and have a look at the videos below.
- Finnish working culture
- Tanmay Vora: 9 random things about work culture in Finland
- Work in Finland – why not!
- Equality: Frontpage – (
Material progressed
Material progressed