Material progressed 0 % Material progressed 0 % A guide for pre-integration1 Everyday life in FinlandToggle sidenavigation1.1 Welfare and well-being1.2. Participating and influencing the environment1.3. Health, wellbeing and culture1.4. Activities of daily living1.6. Equality and discrimination1.7. A child and everyday living in Finland1.8. Child´s protection and child welfare2 Coping and sustaining wellbeingToggle sidenavigation2.1 Stress and crises2.2 Managing the stressful situation2.3 Nature as a support of wellbeing2.4 Relaxation2.5 Self-destructive thoughts and self-destruction2.6 Where to seek help?3 Work in FinlandToggle sidenavigation3.1 Working culture in Finland3.2 Education3.3 Labour legislation3.4 General work life skills3.5 Job seeking3.6 Stages in a job seeking process3.7 Job application and CV4 Professional Competence and competence developmentToggle sidenavigation4.1 Earning and proving your competence4.2 Assessing your own competence4.3 Professional competence4.4 Demonstrating the competence4.5 Recognition and comparing the degrees earned previously in countries of origin4.6 Developing your own competenceDigital MaterialToggle sidenavigationCar MechanicElectrician