2.5 Self-destructive thoughts and self-destruction


  • Self-destructiveness is related to mental condition.

  • The purpose of self-destructive thought is not necessary the death or suicide.

  • There might be a willingness to get rid of and get relief from unbearable state of mind.

  • In persons mind the situation might seem to be deadlock.

  • Sometimes suffering self-destructive thoughts makes the person to try to get rid of these difficult thoughts by misusing alcohol or drugs.

  • There might exists other destructive behavior as causing harm to his/herself.

Self-destructive thought and behavior are symptoms of very serious life situation

Suicidal attempts

  • Suicide means that someone takes a breath of him/herself

  • Extended suicide means that the person takes a breath from other people too (Eg. family members)

Taking care of persons own resources and assets prevent suicidal behavior

How to recognize the risk of suicide

  • The person has suicidal thoughts

  • The person speaks about the willingness to die

  • The person has a severe depression or anxiety

  • The person has a difficult and long-term illness. Especially if there is pain related to the person´s condition

  • Increased misuse of alcohol or drugs

  • The person sleeps to little

  • The person demonstrates rage and anger or speaks about the revenge

  • the person withdraw him/herself constantly from social situations or feels him/herself estranged

  • The person has a relative or closed one who has committed to suicide

  • The person tells you that he/she feels him/herself hopeless and feels like being a trapped

  • The person has had a big life changes and crises recently

  • Earlier suicidal attempts

  • The person is trying to find a way how to make a suicide

  • The person has a plan how to take a breath form him/herself

The danger of self-destruction is bigger depending how many of these upper mentioned issues are true.


Where to seek help?

  • Thinking about the meaning of life and death is a normal part of living and self-growth

  • However if you notice yourself constantly thinking about the death or notice that other people do so it is time to seek help

  • It is good to speak about these issues openly. Speaking about the difficulties in your life does not cause more harm or self-destructive thoughts. It is not weakness either.

  • You need to seek help if you think that the situation is too much and you lack of resources at the time

When the person has self-destructive thoughts, the following may help:

Being present:

  • When the person feels anxiety and the difficult thought are circulating in mind it is good that someone is present and with that person

  • If you feel anxiety and blue yourself seek company from other people (family, friends, professional personnel)

  • Being with other people makes it a little bit easier by getting support from them. It makes you feel safety and relief the mental pain

  • If person close to you is having anxiety and he/she has self-destructive thoughts don´t leave him/her alone

  • Be present even he/she doesn’t want to speak about the issue


Speaking and listening:

  • Speaking about your own bad feelings, anxieties and self-destructive thought is helpful. Seek other persons´ company

  • It is important that you speak in voice to someone about what you think will be helpful

  • It is important, that there is someone who listens

  • If someone tells you about self-destructive thought, try not to blame or make him/her feel quilt. Don´t give advice. Try to listen and be supportive

  • If you support your closed one, remember to take care of yourself too (your own wellbeing, resources and management in the situation)

  • Try to find other people to help you to support suicidal person

You may find helpful to ask the following questions when supporting the self-destructive person: 

  • How do you feel about the stress, anxiety and difficult situation

  • In your opinion about what may cause that you are feeling this way

  • Do you have suicidal thoughts

  • Do you have a plan to make real your thoughts about the suicide

  • Have you tried suicide before

If the person has a plan to make a suicide real:

  • Don´t leave him/herself alone

  • Make away all drugs, alcohol, weapons and sharp wears

  • Take a contact with the nurse or other personnel in reception center forgetting adequate help to the suicidal person

  • In emergency, make a call to emergency number: 112.


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