4.3 Professional competence

There are 23 different professional fields in Finland. Professional fields include hundreds of different professions. Different professions have their own job titles. You can find different fields and job titles from “jobnet”: ammattinetistä.

Assignment 1:

  • Find a picture about the job what you have done earlier. You can use internet or magazines or books.

Assignment 2:

  • Familiarize yourself with the different professional fields and explain where your own work experience best suits.


Professions may vary and different tasks are included in different societies.

You should know what kind of work tasks are included in the certain profession.

There is usually special vocabulary in every profession. Learning the profession specific vocabulary in Finnish will be important in order to work.

Assignment 3:

  • Familiarize yourself with the guide of professions ammattioppaaseen.  There you will find the descriptions of the different profession. (Lähde: Pakarinen, K. Sarajärvi, K. Tölli, R-L 2012. TOKKA2 -projekti: Ammatteja- selkokieliset ammattikuvaukset.)

Assignment 4:

  • Familiarize yourself with the material of professions made in plain language: Selkosiltaprojektin(Source: Jyväskylän aikuisopisto, Selkosiltaprojektin verkkosivut)

Assignment 5:

  • Find your own profession field and watch the videos (in selkosiltaprojekti) about your own profession. If you haven´t worked before in the field choose a video which the best suits your own ideal profession. (Source: Jyväskylän aikuisopisto, Selkosiltaprojektin verkkosivut)

Assignment 6:

  • Study the vocabulary concerning your own field and profession

Assignment 7:

  • Find out from the previous materials what kind of competence you need in a chosen profession

Assignment 8:

  • If you have worked as a restaurant worker, as a cook, auto mechanic or auto/track driver get yourself familiar with the pictures in this material. You will find questions about the learning and competence goals under each picture. Test how well you manage with these questions.

Assignment 9:

  • Make a competence test (Osama-project): testi

Assignment 10:

  • You can evaluate your competences in following pages too:  Osaan.fi   (Source: Omnia: Maahanmuuttajien osaamisen tunnistaminen alkuvaiheessa).


Here is a list about the different professional fields. Clicking the word in blue, you can find different professions. Get familiar with the vocabulary.


You can find information about the competence needed a certain profession from educational institutions directly by contacting the student counsellor. Educational institutions organize open visit days where they will tell more specifically about the education they offer. Ask from the center to find out those open visit days.

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