3.1 Working culture in Finland

Working culture in Finland

Work time and free time

Everyday life is usually divided to work / school or rest.

The law of working time regulates working hours at work organizations. Workers and the management have to follow that law.

The legislation rules:

  • the maximum working hours the workers do during the work shift

  • maximum extra work hours

  • The rest time and the length of rest time between work shifts

  • The management of the work organizations need to keep book about every worker´s work hours

(Source: website of the occupational safety: http://www.tyosuojelu.fi/web/en/home )

When you are working, you have an employment relationship to the work organization. The law rules the employment contract too. When you are working, you are eligible to have a holiday time.

  • Rest time: There are two days for rest in a week.

  • Holiday: Every worker gets paid vacation. The length of vacation depends on how long the worker has worked in an organization and how much he/she has earned the holiday.

The length of the work day:

  • A Workday starts and ends depending on the agreement made with the employee.

  • Work time: Workers spend about 8 hours at work. The work begins usually at 8 o’clock and the workday ends at 16.00. There are usually two coffee breaks and one longer lunchtime during the day.

Work tasks:

  • You will make an agreement with your employee about the work tasks

  • The expectation at work organization is that all work tasks will be done as well as possible

  • If there are challenges accomplishing the tasks you need to negotiate with the employee



  • When you have a meeting with your co-worker or management please be on time.

  • Punctuality is highly valued in Finland. Being late is seen impolite and careless behavior. The meetings starts promptly. If you have to be late for some reason, it is polite to tell that to your management forehand.

The expectations to the worker:

  • You need to know the values and norms about Finnish society

  • They vary between countries. Those can be different than in your own country


  • In work organizations, equality is stressed.

  • The relationship between employee and workers is equal

  • Men and women in work organizations are equal

Equality between people can mean that relationships at work places are often very informal. This informality includes the relationship between workers and management too.


Assignment 1:

  • Watch the video about informal interaction situation at workplace, made by Kotisuomessa.fi.

  • Watch the video about formal interaction  situation at workplace made by Kotisuomessa.fi.

  • In your opinion about what is the difference between these two videos


Worker´s self-impose and responsibility

  • Workers at work organizations are expected to be self-imposed and be responsible for their work

  • The management will give the instructions but they are not controlling how you do the work. The worker will do this control by him/herself. If there are problems, the worker will discuss about the matter with the management

  • The worker can give suggestions to the management which would be the best way to accomplish the task


Interaction at work organizations

The way of interaction may vary between the cultures. Some interactional way are wanted to highlight in Finland. Good work behavior includes according to the The web pages of Center of Occupational safety:


  • A fair co-worker reacts to their work, work orders and problem situations as positively as possible and does not fill the work community with negativity by complaining constantly. A fair employee knows how to look in the mirror from time to time and does not constantly try to find errors in others. Fair employees evaluate their own performance and learn from it. They see changes primarily as opportunities.


  • A thoughtful employee knows what good manners are. They greet and have the time to chat with their co-workers even when they are in a rush. A thoughtful employee knows how to ask for help and helps others when needed.

Good, open and honest interaction with the supervisor and the rest of the work community.

The courage to bring up difficult issues in a bold and constructive manner with the parties involved.

Understanding and accepting diversity:

  • Every member of the work community understands that everyone works differently and that the same result can be achieved with different methods. In addition to cognitive understanding, dealing with diversity also includes approving attitudes. We respect and treat different individuals equally.

Being worthy of trust by keeping one’s promises.

(Source: The web pages of the Center of Occupational safety)


Assignment 2

  • What similarities and differences can you find between your own culture´s and new cultures work life.



Kotisuomessa.fi verkkosivut. Opetushallitus. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö. : www.kotisuomessa.fi
Työsuojeluhallinnon verkkopalvelut. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.  www.työsuojelu.fi.
Työturvallisuuskeskus. Työturvallisuuskeskuksen verkkosivut.  : https://ttk.fi/

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