2.4 Relaxation

The meaning of relaxation:

  • Body and mind are strongly related to each other.

  • Sickness in body is often related to your mind and mental well being.

  • Overloaded mind, and stress have an influence on your physical wellbeing and health and vice versa.

  • According to the researches different relaxation exercises support to have enough strengths to manage everyday life as well as your psychosocial and mental well being.


The relation of relaxation to your sleeping habits and wellbeing 

  • The ability to relax is related to a good night sleep.

  • Sufficient sleep in every night is very important to the human being.

  • Sufficient sleep is related to the person´s mind and strength of the body.

  • Stressful situation and changes in life can cause problems of getting enough sleep.

  • Disturbance in your sleep habits may cause trouble to your mind and body.

  • Long term difficulties of getting sleep enough can cause decline of your mood, feelings of being irritated easily, and decline of ability to concentrate and memory laps.

  • All of these symptoms make learning of new things difficult.

  • The risk of physical illnesses grows if the person can´t get sleep enough (High blood pressure, heart and blood vein illnesses).

Relaxation is important  because:

  • It decreases the stress symptoms.

  • It decreases the anxiety.

  • It makes better the quality of your sleep.

  • It makes better your mood, and heals depression.

  • It decreases the quantity of bad dreams.

  • It decrease high blood pressure.

  • It lowers the high heart beating.

  • It accelerates healing from physical wounds.

Assignment 1:

  • Explain how you could take care of your own physical condition

  • Explain what you can do to support your own mental wellbeing

The body relaxes the mind and mind relaxes the body

It is possibly to practice relaxation. Exercises need to be practiced regularly and long term in order to be helpful.


Assignment 2:

(Source The crises-center in Turku: The project of Serene 2012-2016)


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